This year, prepare yourself, as the most anticipated motion picture event of the year takes you for the ultimate Snotklap. *The story, set in the backdrop of Nallore, a small town in Thoothukudi District, revolves around Sub-Inspector Durai Singam (Ajay Devgan), a brave and just policeman who serves in his hometown primarily to fulfill his father’s wish. Durai Singam settles every dispute in his town patiently with his words of wisdom and resorts to force only when the situation demands it.* The movie directed by Rohit Shetty is a remake of the very succesful tamil version of the same name.
Its about effing time Ajay Devagan pulled his finger out of his arse. Sporting a new and improved muscular build. The movie has a very Machete feel, almost as if its parodying itself and is proud of it, having watched many of Ajay Devgans movies, I gave up on him somewhere between Mehbooba and Aakrosh, but this movie raises the bar, watching somebody get slapped down and get knocked the eff out with half a light pole by a man running on the side of a car trying to get away is epic. The movie preserves the tamil action from the original film
I'm looking forward to this movie, the stunts are outrageous, the actors chew the scenery in this melodrama intentional B grade film fest and its good to see Ajay Devgan not take himself as seriously as he usually does.
The movie releases 22 July 2011.
* denotes entry from wikipedia
Ajay Devgan
rohit shetty
tamil action
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