On Tuesday afternoon google released their much anticipated beta music service meant to rival Apples ITunes. Googles music store concept so far is not very clear about the approach they plan on using to market their service. What they do emphasize to great extent is that the idea is based on cloud computing and ease of access through syncing of mulitiple devices over different platforms without any cable (apple, hint hint, nudge nudge)
"The player stores your music in the cloud, but the songs you’ve recently played will be cached and available even if you go offline. You can also easily select specific artists and albums you want to have available"
Not good news for South Africans using mobile devices because of our ridiculously expensive broadband internet from Vodacom, Mtn, Cell C 8ta and virgin.I would imagine that this new way of handling music on mobile devices will certainly be appealing to people in the states who are the only ones at the moment privileged to try out the beta release which is only available through invitation like all other previous launches of Google products so its going to be a while till Google music hits South Afric.
I personally feel that Google leaves big gaps in the market open for competitors like windows mobile and apple to take advantage of when they beta release products only in the States and not world wide, examples, Google body, Google turn by turn navigation, Google music and several other of their products.
For more information about Google music point your browser to the links below.
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