been using supplements from Muscle Science. At the very beginning I was using Muscle
Sciences Grow Extreme, a mass builder that helped me move from my puny 52.2kg to a muscular 74.6kg.
Up until four months ago the Optimum Anabolic was sold in a quantity of 5kg at R350-00 in a plastic bucket. In October the price went up to R480-00 and in November the very same product has gone up to R500-00 but they now sell it in a quantity of 4kg and in a refill pack as part of their new brand.I was really dissappointed at this, particularly at the fact that there was no notice of price increase.
I have also to come to the conclusion that in South Africa there are no consumer watches or protective laws that govern such increases, furthermore to what standards does the supplement industry in South Africa adhere to in terms of quality assurance to justify such ridiculous increases. What justifies Muscle Sciences price increase, is it the consumer price index? if so, how do they justify inflating the price of the product by decreasing its quantity.
So I have made an informed decision based on extensive research that I will no longer support any Muscle Science products as their price increase is unjustifiable. I have decided to take my loyalty to SSN which is a brand recently started by the founding members of Muscle Science who are marketing a similar product to the Muscle Science Optimum Anabolic, "SSN Anabolic" in a quantity of 4kg at a price of R250-00, THATS HALF THE PRICE for the almost the same product.
The results from this changeover can only be determined after 3 months but I stress the importance of brand loyalty and understand that Muscle Science has realised that there is a broader base of recreational bodybuilders to take advantage off now that bodybuilding in South Africa has grown in leaps and bounds over the last 3 year with more people taking the sport more seriously and the with the advent of the recreational gym rat now looking at supplements to improve his/her physique.
Training knowledge has become more accessible to the average gym goer through magazines like Muscle Evolution who promote the success strories of local bodybuilders who acknowledge their success to brands like Muscle Science, SSN, USN, Biogen etc. There is now a greater awareness of supplements and a bigger platform from which to market it. If we dont educate ourselves to the finer details of this new industry we can see ourselves burn deep holes in our pockets and even worse damage our health over the long term.
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