I woke up yesterday morning to a new interface on Androids Market, the new design boasts easier navigation and more categories, every category when clicked on, has a mosaic tile feature page with a staffs choice and an editors choice with each tile populated with the apps icon, looks very much like windows 7. Android have dropped their playful green for a serious combination of dark colours and vignette blends that works really well .
The start page has a trending section where it highlights the more prominently downloaded apps for the day, The details page about the app your about to purchase has a nice horizontal scrollable space unlike the previous market that had single images that you could only navigate if you clicked on them
The loading time is slightly longer than its previous version. In many parts the app lags a bit and hardly responds when you are in a area where the connection speeds are relatively slow. The graphic intensive app also relies very heavily on your smartphones processor, nothing substantive that contributes to your batteries depletion but enough to make you aware that you're in the market too long.
It would be nice if there was a built in option to change the way you view the market, something like the way you can choose different views on windows. It would also be cooler if there was some kind of cache that could store and monitor elements so that your next use can be a faster more fluid experience. Unlike the Iphone that has a single design for its handset, Android has many different smartphone handsets that have to be considered and compensated for by the market designers, it will be very interesting to see Android Market on lower end smartphones particularly if the market has the ability to differentiate between handsets for users who want to download compatible versions of their favourite software.
Still to come to South Africa will be the Android Markets Books and Movies, a feature similar to Netflix and Amazon, with the Kindle fire coming out of its shell, integration of Multimedia web services are set to be the next big thing on tablets and smartphones.
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